Professional design and installation of access control and video surveillance
Keeping your staff and visitors safe, protecting your facilities and preventing inventory loss have never been more important. C2 Technology Group partners with leaders in the electronic security field to design, install and maintain systems that meet the highest standards of reliability and are customized to address the specific needs of each client. We also provide training, support and maintenance to ensure the systems and your staff operate securely and at peak efficiency.
Access Control Solutions
Door and perimeter access control systems manage who, when and where employees can access your facilities. Important features to consider include:
An audit trail showing when each door was opened or closed and by whom
Time-of-day restrictions which can be implemented by user group
Secure keyless entry using key fobs, PIN pads, fingerprint readers or smart phone scanners
Remote access control to quickly lockdown a facility or grant one-time access
Alerts for events like multiple access failures
Alarm integration to automatically unlock doors or quickly lockdown areas
Video Surveillance Systems
IP video surveillance systems can improve security, decrease shrinkage, or support quality control, inventory tracking and employee safety.
Unlimited video retention
Video management systems to support rapid searching and event correlation, sophisticated analytics and local or cloud-based storage
Remote access to video from a smart phone app
Full range of camera solutions for fixed, pan-tilt-zoom, vandal-proof, outdoor use, day-night, panoramic and thermal cameras.
Integration with vehicle camera to monitor company cars and trucks.
We offer rapid response emergency service and our annual Service Contracts provide preventive maintenance, proactive identification of potential upgrades and priority service.